Understanding the Marine Environment
Recognised as industry leaders and trusted advisors to the maritime community, Dawson & Associates has extensive experience in maritime, fisheries and marine law.
Recognised as industry leaders and trusted advisors to the maritime community, Dawson & Associates has extensive experience in maritime, fisheries and marine law.
We advise on all aspects of marine commercial matters including vessel sale and purchase, vessel registration, vessel ownership and chartering structures, flagging, crewing, business and fisheries management.
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We are experienced in dispute resolution in civil claims in the marine sector, and regulatory defence of prosecutions using an established network of specialist barristers and marine industry experts.
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We respond quickly to clients to assist manage maritime crises, putting together a team of experts to mitigate risk.
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We are regularly at the forefront of maritime legislative change, providing advice to marine users on the effects of legislative change within New Zealand and the Pacific.
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We are New Zealand’s leading advisors on all aspects of superyacht purchase and sale, import and export, and superyacht operation.
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We have the knowledge and experience in New Zealand and the South Pacific to assist clients in interacting with a variety of government and regional organisations a variety of trade, fishing, crewing and transport issues.
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We advise on all aspects of marine commercial matters including vessel sale and purchase, vessel registration, vessel ownership and chartering structures, flagging, crewing, business and fisheries management.
We focus exclusively on maritime law.
Being maritime law specialists means we are experts in our field. We have a deep understanding of the complexities of maritime law, which means we practice what we do best, every day.
Dawson & Associates lawyers regularly engage in debate on issues that impact the maritime community and are frequent speakers at forums across a range of sectors in the marine industry.
We work closely with international ship registries, surveyors, class societies, vessel brokers, builders, insurers and accountants.
This experience, and our specialist skills, together with our extensive precedent library and online access to world-leading maritime contracts and clauses, allows us to effectively guide our clients through the complexities of operations in the maritime sector.
Advice on flag and vessel registration
Advice on High Seas access rights and structures
BIMCO documents (Saleform, Barecon, Supplytime, Towcon, Bargehire)
Business management, structuring and governance (company formation, joint venturing)
Charterparty agreements (Bareboat, Time, MYBA)
Crew agreements (master, seafarer, and independent contractor agreements)
Fisheries management (local, regional, and negotiating access to overseas fisheries, quota and ACE transactions, overseas investment and aggregation issues)
Fishing agreements (catching, processing, quota mortgages)
Production and bespoke vessel build contracts
Salvage and Towage contracts (lump sum, daily hire)
Ship sale and purchase, and finance and structures
Structuring documents to address Health and safety risks
Superyacht operation
Vessel agency
Vessel refit, repair conversion contracts
We respond quickly to clients to assist manage maritime crises, putting together a team of experts to mitigate risk.
A maritime crisis is complex and fast moving. There may be multiple stakeholders and jurisdictional considerations, which could result in civil claims, and regulatory prosecutions under a range of applicable statutes. A maritime crisis can also have a high media profile – posing significant business and reputational risk.
Dawson & Associates offers a quick and practised response to maritime incidents, with clearly articulated legal advice. We have established protocols to address each part of the process, from interfaces with regulatory authorities and the media, to the technical aspects of a crisis.
Our network of expert professionals - including health and safety professionals, insurers and technical experts - can be deployed to attend within very short timeframes.
We have managed high profile incidents involving personal injury, fatalities and environmental damage.
Immediately deploy qualified lawyers and experts to manage the scene and the interactions with regulators.
Provide advice on dealing with media.
Provide concurrent and ongoing legal advice on the civil and criminal aspects of the event.
Advise on handling and preserving evidence, including electronic evidence.
Attend interviews between your key staff and crew, and regulatory agencies.
Advise on post emergency steps, including lead up to any prosecution.
Defence of any prosecution.
Legal advice on any legal problems that may follow.
Over the past decade, we have been involved with all aspects of superyacht and smaller pleasure vessel operations. Our involvement ranges from advising prospective owners on appropriate legal structures and flags in which to register their vessels to providing advice on all aspects of superyacht operation, including commercial chartering
We act for sellers or buyers of these vessels in New Zealand, Australia and elsewhere and have on occasion provided Escrow services to facilitate settlements. We have a well development network of brokers, insurers, vessel agents, tax and customs experts with whom we interact with regularly.
Structuring of vessel owning entities, including bareboat charter arrangements
Sale and purchase of yachts and superyachts. We are familiar with most of the common sale forms, including MYBA and NSF
Registration (and deregistration) and flagging of vessels locally and internationally
Commercial chartering
New Zealand Customs aspects of the importation and export of vessels into and from New Zealand
Crew issues including immigration aspects
Heavy lift and marina contracts
We are experienced in dispute resolution in civil claims in the marine sector, and regulatory defence of prosecutions using an established network of specialist barristers and marine industry experts.
Dawson & Associates strive to settle disputes where possible but litigate where necessary. We are experienced in dispute resolution, and regularly managing high profile litigation involving accidents and prosecutions.
We are known for providing succinct, practical advice, and our principled approach.
As maritime law specialists, we are deeply involved with the issues in the maritime community. We have established relationships with marine industry experts recognised for their depth of knowledge on maritime issues, and with specialist barristers in New Zealand and the Pacific, with expertise in maritime law, fisheries law and related fields.
We work with our clients at all critical points, recommending appropriate barristers and experts to represent their best interests in courts, tribunals and other hearings, and are experienced in managing the relationship between the client and the barrister.
Cargo damage
Charter party disputes
Civil claims against vessel or cargo owners
Collisions and allisions
Coronial inquests arising from fatalities
Crew claims and employment disputes
Disputes arising between shipyards and owners
Fisheries defence, including managing interviews and vessel seizure
Health and safety investigations and defence
Judicial review of government decision makers
Marine insurance claims
Maritime incident investigations and prosecutions
Pollution incidents
Salvage, wreck and grounding
Seabed mining, and conflict of resource use in the EEZ
Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC) investigations
Vessel arrest, security and release
We act for a wide cross-section of maritime users which gives us unique insights into the impact of regulatory change on our clients’ businesses. For over two decades we have guided clients and industry bodies through the regulatory review process, and provided advice on effective regulatory compliance strategies.
We have drafted and presented submissions to parliamentary select committees, provided advice on judicial intervention in the regulatory review process, and addressed the consequences of changes to regulation on our clients’ businesses.
We have addressed changes brought about by the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, as well as changes to the regulation of ship’s personnel resulting from New Zealand Maritime Rules changes. We have provided insights into the work being done to amend the New Zealand 40 Series Maritime Rules on ship operation, design and construction of vessels.
We are also at the forefront of changes to local and Pacific fisheries legislation, which includes addressing the placement of cameras and electronic reporting of catches on vessels.
Our in-depth knowledge of the compliance regime within maritime legislation gives us the ability to advise clients quickly on the consequences of breaches of maritime legislation. Amongst others have addressed client’s liabilities for oil spills, collision, grounding, injuries and fatalities aboard vessels and many others.
Acting for industry bodies advising on changes to Maritime Rules in New Zealand
Advising owners on impacts of changes to Pacific Island Maritime Regulation
Changes to fisheries legislation
The regulation of health and safety on vessels
High Seas – advice on impact of increased regulation of the High Seas though Regional Fisheries Management Organisations and UN Conventions
Dawson & Associates has the knowledge and experience of New Zealand and South Pacific maritime law and policy to assist clients interact with a variety of government and regional organisations, on a variety of trade, fishing, crewing and transport issues.
We work with marine interest groups including the High Seas Fisheries Group, the Marine Transport Association, the Federation of Commercial Fishermen, Fisheries Inshore New Zealand to prepare submissions to government and regional bodies on maritime environment issues, law and policy change in New Zealand and the South Pacific.
Advocating for sustainable use of the ocean for primary industry in various forums
Liaising with New Zealand government agencies including the Ministry for Primary Industries, the Ministry of Transport, the Department of Conservation, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, and Maritime New Zealand
Preparing submissions to government and regional bodies
Oral addresses to various forums
Building a bespoke vessel is a complex process. Peter Dawson revisits an article he wrote (which was published in Pro Skipper magazine in 2019) and adds fresh insights.
World leading innovation and a record number of boats were on full display at the Auckland Boat Show last week, painting a positive picture for boating and yachting in the South Pacific.
Safety assessments are essential for New Zealand recreational yachts going overseas. With the administration of this process changing in 2024, yacht owners need to be aware of the changes under the new system.
It’s been another very busy year for Dawson & Associates, and we are looking forward to putting our feet up for a while before starting back into 2025 with some exciting work.