2024 Seafood New Zealand conference


Dawson and Associates attended the 2024 Seafood New Zealand conference last week in Auckland, joining other champions of the seafood industry to hear exciting developments in sustainable utilisation of New Zealand’s seafood sector, network, and better understand the challenges facing commercial fishing. Attendees came away with reinforced and positive stories about New Zealand’s commercial fishing industry as a Champion of Sustainability, providing high quality and sustainable protein for domestic and international markets.

At the conference end, Peter Dawson was announced as a finalist in the Seafood Stars Awards as a Life Member, recognising his over 15 years of work in the seafood industry, substantial positive impacts on industry, and reflecting his highly effective and respected work across this time. Peter has been a tireless advocate for New Zealand fishers and the industry as a whole, representing small and large players alike in a range of circumstances. With a huge wealth of expertise and experience in New Zealand fisheries law and operations, Peter and Dawson and Associates are well established and trusted advocates for many types of fisheries issues.

If you have any questions or issues facing your fishing business or operation, or are facing regulatory or compliance litigation relating to commercial fishing, please contact Peter Dawson by email peter@maritimelaw.co.nz; phone +64 27 229 9624.